Jun 4Liked by David Malone

It's brilliant. Very sad you're not longer making films. It's a loss.

If you do make another film, you could do worse than look into what David Bohm said about all this. What he called 'the movement of thought'

Incidentally, technology and science produce labour saving devices. They have no power to change people fundamentally. But to imagine science can change people, is a terrible mistake, which we all keep making, both the poor and the rich.

Because to improve productivity with technology, only has one effect: to increase rent. And it this people rich and poor, equally fight each other over. The economic rent. It in no way makes the distribution of wealth more just.

Tony Benn was a brilliant politician. He knew this very well indeed. I know many people who knew him. But he chose to ignore it and be yet another key agent for dividing people from one another. An ego trip for him was more important than those he talked big about saving.

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Very kind of you Robin. Thank you. Funny you should mention Bohm. I was greatly influenced by his little book "Wholeness and the Implicate Order." I'd be interested to talk to you about Tony Benn. I liked him when I met him. His five democratic questions should be handed out to citizens everywhere.

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His wholeness idea would be right up your classic Soul Searching street, for a film

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I never met Mr. Benn. And I have more time for politicians usually than regular people. Because at least they're prepared to make a public stand on issues and face the consequences of an inevitable mob. Benn was one of the best. But it goes back to the "am I really aware of what's happening, really aware" conundrum Hoeller discusses so entertainingly. And we are all ego centered but not usually aware of it.

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Finally found the time to watch a video which I guess is important in that it helps to explain how we got here. While I am still waiting for that age of leisure that we were promised. Contains a lot of colonial white man's burden stuff as I suppose cover for the continuous looting by the world bank & Western Corps, while here we are today with the Sahel countries in particular finally & hopefully getting a chance to escape that trap.

Not a lot of optimism out there today after nearly 50 years of Neoliberalism as infrastructure falls apart, life for the majority becomes ever more precarious, with mainstream political parties all singing variations from the same hymn book & all sorts of other shit likely to hit the fan. in finance, energy, massive debt burdens, climate change, potential nuclear holocaust & so on, as you no doubt well know.

Sometimes it's hard to stay optimistic & Tony Benn is an example of someone who tried to make sense of things with a far approach which are two things conspicuous by the absence today as ideologues & their concrete certainty appear to do their very best to tear everything apart. The use of the haunting symphony of sorrowful songs is extremely applicable to the present within those warzones where human life is of little worth - jut change the name Gestapo to SBU or IDF.

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RemovedJun 9
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Hello mate - I figured that you would be in attendance - it's been a while & I bet those kids of yours are now much closer to the sky. I sort of retired last October at age 66 but have since became busier with a setback resulting in a logjam due to pre-diabetes which I have since succeeded in reversing. I will be tuning in but there might for a while be a bit of a time lag & I am looking forward to the time flow vid to follow the excellent other while time for me appears to increasingly accelerate. I also have to figure out in my village idiot tech way of how to properly manoeuvre around this site.

Stay safe & take care old Debt Generation buddy.

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RemovedJun 4Liked by David Malone
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What a great analysis. Thank you Roger. Mind you the mind map you have been making for "Going Direct" will get you in trouble. Don't worry though. I'll save you a seat on the step.

It was a funny business getting told off for this film. It's not as if I editorialised with my own commentary. All the words were on the original films. I just got those films commenting on each other. And of course I did have some brilliant interviewees.

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